10 Tips for Staying Healthy & Well While Flying


If you’re planning a plane flight for work or pleasure, you may have concerns about making sure you stay well when traveling. Media reports abound about people of all ages and from all walks of life becoming ill while traveling, including while on airplanes. There are 10 particular expert recommendations to bear in mind when flying to protect your health. By incorporating these strategies into your travel routines, you will have healthier and happier air travel experiences.

Hydrate Well

One of the most important steps you need to take to protect your health while flying is to stay well hydrated. Drink plenty of water before you board the plane. Moreover, while on board your flight, select water rather than other beverages, particularly beverages that contain caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic and can impact your hydration while flying.

Tip! Bring an empty, reusable water bottle and fill it once you get past security. Many airports now offer water bottle filling stations – helping you save money and stay hydrated.

Remain Active

Flying necessarily requires you to sit in place for what can amount to extended periods of time. Being stuck in a sitting position, in cramped quarters, can be risky. The potential for developing leg clots of deep vein thrombosis is a possibility and a dangerous one.
A wise idea is to remain as active as possible when flying. You can accomplish this by getting up and walking down the aisle once and while when in flight. You might mentally schedule an hourly trek down the aisle as a means of stretching and preventing the potential risks of sitting in one cramped position for an extended period of time.
Walking down the aisle is not always possible when flying. You can stretch your legs with regularity while seated which can be helpful.

Eat Little and Eat Light

When it comes to staying healthy while flying, pay attention to what you eat. You may be like many people and pack a good amount of comfort food items that you enjoy, including sugary or salty snacks. When flying, you are best served by eating only a little and when you eat, eat light. Baggies filled with fresh veggies are a good choice when it comes to eating healthy and light when flying.

Sanitize Your Surroundings

Bring along plenty of sanitizing wipes when you travel. Thoroughly wipe down your immediate area when you fly. This includes your seat, table, and armrests. By taking this step, you will eliminate a good amount of germs and bacteria that may have accumulated. You need to keep in mind that an aircraft is not thoroughly cleaned between flights. Indeed, questions have been raised as to how completely aircraft are cleaned when scheduled for a more thorough process.

Use Hand Sanitizer

If you’re not a person who regularly carries and uses hand sanitizer, when you fly the time has arrived to start doing so. Use hand sanitizer liberally when you travel by air. Even if you’ve been stationary in your seat, use hand sanitizer with regularity.
Tip! Hand sanitizers have come a long way, for those of you who don’t love the goopy gel. Here a couple of amazing alternatives.

Lower Your Stress Level

Stress is a major issue when your fly or travel generally. Stress of this type is unpleasant and unhealthy. There are a number of strategies you need to consider employing in order to reduce your stress level.
Perhaps the most important strategy to employ to reduce stress is to leave for the airport early. Most air travelers note that one of the biggest contributors to stress is rushing because they end up running behind schedule. Better to get to the airport early, get through TSA screening, and get to the gate or boarding area where you can relax in advance of boarding.

Hydrate Your Skin

Because of the dryness of an aircraft cabin, comprehensive hydration is crucial. This includes keeping your skin hydrated while flying. You can accomplish this by carrying a small spray bottle containing water. You do need to keep in mind restrictions about the amounts of liquids that can be carried into a commercial aircraft.
You might also consider adding certain essential oils to the water to hydrate your skin while flying. The recommended essential oils for this purpose, used alone or in combination, either used alone or in combination, are sweet orange geranium, rose, and lemon. The recommendation is to add 10 drops of essential oils into the standard size liquid bottle permitted on a commercial aircraft.

Hydrate Your Sinuses

You also need to pay attention to drying nasal passages when in flight. Again, the dryness of an aircraft cabin is significant. Consider bringing along a saline nasal spray solution or product to keep the mucous membranes in your nose from drying out while flying.

Bolster Your Immune System

You need to take a proactive stance when flying. In advance of flying, you should pay attention to consuming foods and drinking beverages that are designed to bolster your overall immune system. You can’t start this process the day of your flight in order for it to be effective. Rather, you should focus on what you eat and drink with an eye to your immune system at least a week before you plan to board a plane, if at all possible. There is a myriad of resources available today that can assist you in selecting foods and beverages that are thought to be effective at boosting your immune system.

Do Not Use Airplane Blankets or Pillows

As tempting as it may be, do not use blankets or pillows provided by the airline. If you feel you will want to use a blanket or pillow while flying, pack your own in your carryon luggage. The reality is that airplane blankets and pillows are not often washed. They most definitely are not changed or washed between flights. There are some well-made, comfortable, and easy to stow blanket and pillow products on the market today that are affordable and ideal for airplane travel.
When it comes to these strategies to stay healthy and well while flying, you should consider them all. You should not cherry pick one or two of these suggestions. Rather, you need to consider them a comprehensive approach to protecting your health and wellness when you are traveling by air.

Jessica Kane is a professional blogger who writes for Documents International LLC, a leading apostille service for individuals and businesses.

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