Yes, I am a Bay Area native, but, no I’ve never done that: Bucket List


The funny thing about being a native Bay Area’n is that, though I have lived in the area for a large majority of my life, there are so many sights and activities that are associated with the city that I have never done. You’ve never been Alcatraz Island? No, I’ve never done that. You’ve never been to The Palace of Fine Arts? No, I’ve never done that either. And the list goes on and on!

Well, I’m not making it a point to explore my neighborhood, the area that I am so lucky to live in! These activities focus on SF proper, and I intend to also explore the surrounding areas, camping in Yosemite anybody? Follow along as I document my explorations!

Without further ado, here’s my Yes, I am a Bay Area native, but, no I’ve never done that list:

  • Visit the newly updated SFMOMA
  • Spend a weekend in Carmel
  • Eat my way through Off the Grid
  • Relax and unwind at the nearby Hot Springs
  • Take the Ferry to Sausalito
  • Explore the Exploratorium
  • Have a drink at the Top of the Mark
  • Attend a Thursday night at Academy of Sciences
  • Learn through art at the MoAD
  • Slurp up the best at Suzu Noodle House
  • Eat yummy brunch at Plow
  • Try a Hawaiian breakfast at Aina
  • Swing on the Billy Goat Hill rope swing


(here’s one thing I have done, ventured to the Point Reyes Light House!)

What else should I make a point to do? Let’s explore!


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